Thursday, June 29, 2006
Drunken Rant
Men suck!!

Why is it that when you do something responsible men get pissed off? I took one of my really good friends (otherwise known as L) home tonight after a night of drinking because she obviously could not drive. The whole way home she telling me how she's worried that D, her husband, is going to start a fight with her because 1) she's late and 2) she's drunk. I KNOW that if I were drunk and one of my friends took the keys from me and drove me home that my husband would be more than happy that I got home alive and that I had friends that cared enough to do that for me. But no, I walk her up to her house and hubs is waiting outside smoking. I tell him that I drove her home because I knew that she needed to be home and couldn't drive herself and all he did was shake his head and walk inside. So, L gets his attention and he comes back out, I hand him the keys and mention that she might need to go lay down, he again, just shakes his head and walks off.

I know that a fight was coming, so I told her to call me if anything at all happened and I would come pick her up. Even if it was four in the morning. I just don't understand how a husband can be like that. There's alot more to this story that I won't go into right now, but this shit just really annoys me. He should be thankful that she had somebody to drive her home and that she didn't kill herself on the way!

I just don't understand men. I would have serious issues with my husband if he treated me like that. Okay, rant over.

Monday, June 19, 2006
My Broken Baby
You know things are never dull around here, right? Well, Kyle fell on a toy this weekend and broke his little nose. I took him to the pedi who took a look and confirmed what we already thought, but he is sending us to the ENT on Wednesday because he hasn't had much experience with clefts and just wanted to make sure we didn't need to do anything else for him.

As for now, we're supposed to use Afrin nasal spray to help loosen the blood clots in his nostril and keep a cold compress on his nose. Yeah right...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Our newest addition
Yep, that's right, we've got a new baby and no, i'm not pg (well, not yet at least). I'm now the mommy to a cute little long-haired hampster named Gertrude or Gertie if you will. I wanted to name her Big Bertha, but Ty put the nix on that one. So the boys have been bugging me about getting them a dog, but this momma isn't having any more four-legged creatures running around shedding and destroying my house, so this was the next best thing.

Gertie, we found out, is a little skiddish. I tried to put her in her run around ball today and she leaped out of my loving hands four different times. We'll have to work on that. The boys did think it was awefully funny to see mom squirm and scream every time Gertie tried to bite me though. At least i'm good for entertainment.

Monday, June 12, 2006
My New Style
So I decided to change up my template. I like this one a lot more, the other one was just too boring. I got it over at Miss Zoot, she's got so much cute stuff on there.

I love that it has the links up at that top so that I could put some of the websites that are important to me on here. The only problem i'm having now is that I can't figure out how to link my Flickr account to the site. I don't know where to find the damn Flickr code it's talking about. If anybody knows, would you guys please enlighten me?

Friday, June 09, 2006
Family shit
The shit finally hit the fan last night and Todd and I made the decision to disown my brother and his wife.

I've blogged about a couple of incedents that have happened regarding them here recently, but last night was officially the LAST straw. I don't know why i've taken his shit for this long. I should have disowned him five years ago when I told him I was pregnant and he told me that I needed to have an abortion because I couldn't handle a kid and then again when he told me that he didn't want to hang around us because he didn't like my kid. But no, I let it blow over because that is what my Mom wanted.

I guess, getting to the point of all of this, my Dad had a conversation with my brother last night to tell him to straighten up and behave in a mature manner or he was not going to be welcome in this family anymore. I asked my Dad was Ed's excuse was as to why he was being so shitty with us lately and my Dad let it slip that Ed told him that we were bad parents, couldn't handle the kids we had and just dump them off on my Mom all the time. And he didn't talk to us anymore because we take advantage of my parents. This shit is so far from the truth that it's actually funny.

At this point, I don't know how I should feel. I'm shocked that my own brother could say these things about me and my family and even more shocked that he probably really believes it himself. I'm also really fucking pissed and hurt. How can a person that i've spent most of my life with and been so closed to backstab me like this? I don't understand. I can't even think of the proper words to use to describe how I feel. Hurt is not enough.

I sat down with Todd last night and told him what was said and we both made the decision that they are out of our lives... permanently. I can't afford to let some piece of shit who thinks he's holier than thou intrude in our lives anymore. He and his wife are toxic influences and i'm choosing my family over my relationship with them.

At this point I just feel really sorry for my parents. They didn't ask to be stuck in the middle of all of this fucked up bullshit, but they are and there's no where for them to go. Not only that, but it has to be a horrible feeling knowing that you raised your child to be a respectful, independent, mature adult and he grows up to be a pathetic piece of shit, who at the rate he's going, will never be a productive member of society, much less somebody you would want raising your grandchild.

Sometimes life just isn't fair.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Random stuff...
I feel sooo much better. Not only because i've finally gotten over my tummy bug that sent me to the ER Friday night, but also because i'm getting used to the Lexapro the doc put me on and it's finally working now. The only bad thing is that something is boosting my energy level around 7 pm and I haven't been going to bed until at least three all this week. Oh well.

In other news, we sold the car. We got a whopping $375 for it from one of those guys in the paper that will buy anything. At least it was enough to cover what I spent on the impound fee.

Lastly and most exciting (for me at least) I called today and got an appt for the middle of July to have my IUD taken out. I asked the nurse how long it usually takes to get pregnant after getting it out and she said immediately and that they have alot of women that get pg with their next cycle. Woo hoo!! We shall see.

Saturday, June 03, 2006
Little footsteps in our future...
Okay, I admit it. I have a majorly bad case of baby fever. The hubs and I have been talking about it lately and I think it's finally (what am I talking about finally.. little bit's only 18 months old) time to have another one. We have to wait until at least August to start trying because that is when I will officially be radiation free. Woo hoo!!

For those of you that aren't in the know, I had radiation (RAI 131 or RadioActive Iodine 131) last August to treat the symptoms of Graves Disease. It started working back in December and I have been hypo ever since. YAY!

So, that's the news for today. I really hope that it happens quickly. I don't really think this will be a problem considering our two boys were both surprises. LOL

Now I just need strength to stay away from the pregnancy section.

I'll leave you with a picture of me the morning that Kyle was born. :)