Monday, January 08, 2007
What an ungrateful, spoiled little brat! I think I would have smacked her upside the head with the damn car keys.


Blogger Dynila said...

aw hell no... I'd be trading it in for, I dunno, something in a lovely primer color for her to drive.

Blogger Kat said...

I really would like to hope that was fake as that is ridiculous.

Sadly, in my high school that was a mix of really rich and middle income kids, I knew a girl who threw just as big of a fit about the brand new sports car she got.

Ridiculous. Dad should've said, 'Well then we'll take it back and you can keep taking the bus until you can buy the car you want'.

Blogger IamDerby said...

wow. i am speechless. i think i would have beat the crap outta her

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