Friday, June 09, 2006
Family shit
The shit finally hit the fan last night and Todd and I made the decision to disown my brother and his wife.

I've blogged about a couple of incedents that have happened regarding them here recently, but last night was officially the LAST straw. I don't know why i've taken his shit for this long. I should have disowned him five years ago when I told him I was pregnant and he told me that I needed to have an abortion because I couldn't handle a kid and then again when he told me that he didn't want to hang around us because he didn't like my kid. But no, I let it blow over because that is what my Mom wanted.

I guess, getting to the point of all of this, my Dad had a conversation with my brother last night to tell him to straighten up and behave in a mature manner or he was not going to be welcome in this family anymore. I asked my Dad was Ed's excuse was as to why he was being so shitty with us lately and my Dad let it slip that Ed told him that we were bad parents, couldn't handle the kids we had and just dump them off on my Mom all the time. And he didn't talk to us anymore because we take advantage of my parents. This shit is so far from the truth that it's actually funny.

At this point, I don't know how I should feel. I'm shocked that my own brother could say these things about me and my family and even more shocked that he probably really believes it himself. I'm also really fucking pissed and hurt. How can a person that i've spent most of my life with and been so closed to backstab me like this? I don't understand. I can't even think of the proper words to use to describe how I feel. Hurt is not enough.

I sat down with Todd last night and told him what was said and we both made the decision that they are out of our lives... permanently. I can't afford to let some piece of shit who thinks he's holier than thou intrude in our lives anymore. He and his wife are toxic influences and i'm choosing my family over my relationship with them.

At this point I just feel really sorry for my parents. They didn't ask to be stuck in the middle of all of this fucked up bullshit, but they are and there's no where for them to go. Not only that, but it has to be a horrible feeling knowing that you raised your child to be a respectful, independent, mature adult and he grows up to be a pathetic piece of shit, who at the rate he's going, will never be a productive member of society, much less somebody you would want raising your grandchild.

Sometimes life just isn't fair.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that it's come to that, though it seems it will be healthier in the long run. Having to make a decision like that is crummy, even when the circumstances warrant the outcome.


Blogger Kami said...

I am so sorry. My ILs have accused us of bad parenting before (not the parentsIL), and it killed any chances of good relationship down the road. What a crock of shit. I'm sorry. I don't have it good with my sister or older brother, either.


Blogger Candy said...

I haven't spoken to parts of my family in well over 10 years. I don't miss them. My kids don't need to know those people. They are evil, hurtful and frankly, insane (like in need of heavy duty drugs insane)

Blogger Lisa said...

It's been almost two years since I've spoken to my sister here in austin. While I *do* miss her, she's extremely toxic, and my life has been much smoother since.
My two youngest have never met her, and Nick (who was five at the time of last contact) doesn't remember her anymore either.

Blogger Melanie said...

I've got issues with my brother too. It's hard. Letting go and having them out of your life is hard too. I'm going on 2 years with my brother and I still think about him all the time.

So sorry about all this. ((Hugs))

Blogger Unknown said...

Ok. I don't have these issues so I can't relate at all or even imagine cutting off family members. However, I respect your decision to do what's best for your family.


Blogger Amy said...

God I'm so sorry! It's hard, but I'm SO PROUD of you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site... » »

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