Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I have a feeling that our lives are about to get a lot easier. We started Ty on a *very* low dose of Adderall XR this morning to help him with his ADHD. The result just from today have blown me away. It's like having a different kid! He's so pleasant to be around. It makes him calm, but doesn't put him in a catatonic state. He's caring and loving and most of all, he's fun. I was really nervous about trying this out, but he doesn't seem to have any side effect from it so far. Of course, it has only been like 13 hours.

This morning the most amazing thing happened. I woke up to a quiet house. Usually when I wake up the boy and the husband are already arguing and yelling at each other. This morning I came downstairs expecting them to be gone because it was just too quiet, but they were all sitting on the couch enjoying thier breakfast and watching SpongeBob. I can't even tell you how long it has been since the boy and the hubs have gotten along that well.

Hopefully things will keep on this path and life around here will get just a little easier.


Blogger Candy said...

So glad to hear you are seeing an improvement...

Blogger Unknown said...

That's great! I'm happy you found something that is working so far....good luck.

Blogger Melanie said...

Hope he is still doing well on the meds!

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