Friday, May 05, 2006
Oh the drama!
Ty boy has his first loose tooth. Good lord, you would think the world is coming to an end. Poor kiddo, he's been complaining about it for a couple of days, but yesterday he woke up and his upper lip and gum were completely swollen, so much so that he couldn't even close his mouth. So on my way to the first (of three) doctors appt I called Kyle's orthodontist. They said is was probably abcessed and we needed to be seen pretty soon. Turns out our insurance doesn't cover the orthodontist for Tyler, but they will for Kyle because he is the only ortho in town that deals with clefts. So I call another company to get an appt and they are all booked up. Blah, blah, blah... An hour later after calling half of the dentists on our plan I finally just called the insurance co and they hooked me up with an emergency referral to our ortho, who we freakin' love. Anyhow, Ty had his first dentist appt (I know, i'm a bad mommy) and he did really well. Turns out that there was just an infection and one round of antibiotics should do it. If the tooth doesn't fall out in the next two weeks we have to go get it pulled.

So, keeping in true Tyler fashion (walking at 8 months, talking early...) he will *hopefully* have his first visit from the tooth fairy at four and a half years old.


Blogger Candy said...

Dang! 4.5?!?! I'm sure he's completely freaked out. Be prepared. Jamie lost his first just a few weeks ago and he seriously went ballistic. No amount of preparation made him understand. Bring Ty around if you want so Jamie can "show off" to him - maybe that won't make it so tramatic?

Blogger Melanie said...

Oh my! That would freak me out too. Good luck!

Blogger Unknown said...

Yikes! He's just a baby!

We are still waiting here for L's teeth to do something. She keeps wriggling them. Trying to make them loose.

Blogger Amy said...

Holy! That's your boy. Good luck with that.

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