Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Anniversary Gifts
Our anniversary is coming up and I need some ideas people. We'll have been married for five years on March 10th. It's also a special day because two years ago we found out that I was pregnant with Baby K. Anyhow, I was thinking about doing a set of boudoir photos for him. I really like the idea and I think it's something that we would enjoy as a couple. I've never really done anything like this before and actually i'm quite camera shy, but I think it would be fun. I've been looking around and the guy that Kami used is awesome. He's a little pricey but I LOVE the way his pictures turn out. I don't want to do any like full frontal nudity or anything like that, but there's sure to be some way for me to pose that doesn't show my baby belly. I haven't fully decided yet, but I think it would be alot of fun.

I'm also trying to decide what to do for our actual anniversary. My mom and his mom have already offered to watch the boys for that weekend so that we can go away. We never had a honey moon, and for that matter, have never even taken a vacation with just the two of us. I was thinking that maybe we would head to San Antonio for the weekend. We don't want to go too far, but just far enough to be away from everybody we know. We seriously need some private time. He loves the Spurs, so I thought that maybe i'd surprise him with Spurs tickets for that Friday and then stay on the riverwalk until Sunday.

He's been soooo good to me lately. Since I hurt my knee, he's been taking care of the boys and I, doing the shopping and some of the cleaning, but most of all, he's been really supportive through all of this. I realize that I don't tell him how much I appreciate and love him enough and I want to do something for him that I know he'll love.

So, that's the plan as of now. I need to do some more shopping around for someone to take the pics. I'd really like to find somebody that I know to do it for me, as I don't want to/can't spend a small fortune for the photo shoot, but I don't want to ask anybody to do it either, ya know? I don't want to make any of my girlfriends feel weird about it. LOL. So, I gotta do that and figure out what the plan is for that weekend. I'll keep you guys updated.


Blogger Kami said...

It's pricey, but totally worth it! It's not like you'll do it again!! :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say go for it! Those black and white shots on his website are awesome!

Blogger Candy said...

Go for it! I'd die before I did, but you would look so totally hot! Do it!

I make Tom keep an Amazon wishlist because I have NO clue what to get the man, he's too hard to buy for!

Blogger Unknown said...

Do the pics! Really, a Spurs game? No way! Book a hotel in town and eat at a fancy place in fancy clothes. Have fun.

Blogger Steph said...

OH i would LOVE to do pics like that for my hubby. But there is only so much retouch that one could do a a Who knows after I loose weight...but for now- EEEK ! I think a good idea for your anniversary would be the weekend away- but I would skip the bball game . I would make dinner reservations somewhere nice- book a nice hotel room- some honeymoon suites have a small whirpool in them- even at your smaller cahin hotels- we stayed in one for our 10 ann. THen take some candles along & light up the room- get a new sexy nighy & plan on just being together- the 2 of you. Just spend it ...well after you know....then talk talk together. Its great & you 2 will totally remember it. The times I have spent w/ my hubby are the times we have spent most of it talking all night. Have fun & let us know what you decided. ALso thanks for stopping by !

Blogger Lisa said...

For one of our's we went to a Rockets game, and stayed at the ajoining hotel. We spent the day watching movies at a real movie theater, and then wnt to the game. It was so much fun. I love basketball though, and it was sans kids...
I would like to do photos like that too...I have a friend of a friend that does really great photos. More like betty-page pin-ups though...Really cool.

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